Appetite Enhancer Powder

Appetite Enhancer Powder

  • Promotes smooth bowel movements
  • Strengthens immune system
  • Improve digestive discomfort
  • Increase appetite

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A healthy and balanced nutritional supplement is crucial for developing children. The nutrient that children ingest should includes from all six catagories containing Grains, Vegetables, Meats and Protein, Milk and Dairy products, Fats and Fruits. However, unbalanced diets among young children is a common problem. It contributes to nutritional deficiencies which is a serious problem for digestive system. Therefore, intake adequate amounts of Baby Probiotics and Baby Supplement is helpful to aid digestion, absorption, and smooth bowel movements.



  • GRAS-certified Bifidobacterium breve M-16V
  • microalgae extract DHA
  • Pilose Asiabell Root, Poria, Coix seed, Fructus Amomi, and Licorice……..etc


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